3 simple ways to improve your visuals & grow your brand on Instagram


These days social media plays a big role in your business. It’s a great tool to increase your brand awareness, connect with your ideal clients, and makes sales. To succeed with social media you need to stand out. There are plenty of ways you can do this, like being strategic about your content. But today I talk about 3 simple things you can implement right away to improve your branding & create better visuals for your feed:

  1. Show your brand personality

Think about how can you create your visuals for your IG content, so when people see your post, they immediately know it’s YOU without looking at your profile picture. You need to be consistent with your colors, fonts, graphic elements, so people after some time could recognize your brand from your visuals.

Do: Think about 3 keywords for your brand personality, for example: fun, inspiring, warm. Then your goal is to find colors, fonts, graphics that reflect these keywords, and stick with it!

Don’t: Create design according your mood and change your style every time you post something new.

You can find some inspiration on Pinterest, type something like this “fun, warm color palette”, the same you can do for fonts and graphics.


You can find some inspiration on Pinterest, type something like this “fun, warm color palette”, the same you can do for fonts and graphics.

get inspired on pinterest

2. Make it readable

If you want people to read your post, you have to make it readable. Some many times I see valuable posts that are hard to read. Either there is no contrast between your text and background or you use too small text.

Do: Create a strong contrast between your text and background. Make sure the size of the text is big enough. Better bigger than smaller.

Don’t: Sacrifice readability over aesthetics.


3. Create more visual posts

Instead of always showing your face, try to create your posts more visual and valuable. So when potential followers check your account they would quickly understand what is your account about. If you only show your face, your account looks more personal rather than a business.

Do: Create a visual post that adds value to your client by educating or inspiring them.

Don’t: Only have posts or reels, where you can see your face only.


So go ahead, and implement these ideas, so you would get better results with your content.

Need more help with your branding? Book a 60 min brand consultation, where we will discuss your current challenges and make a plan with clear steps to grow your brand.


Hi, I am Simona!

Welcome to my blog! Here I am sharing all things about design, branding, and business. My mission is to help you to transform your business with intentional brand design.

Spread your wings and fly with your unique brand that you’ve always dreamed of.

With love,


Branding Basics: The anatomy of a well-designed brand identity


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