How to write the perfect copy for your homepage - Convert your visitors to clients


Are you a coach, therapist, psychologist, or service-based business? Trying to find out what should you write on the homepage? Should you write about your experience, achievements, or certification to prove that you are a highly skilled professional in your field? Well, all these things are important, but there is something else you should write on your homepage.

Read further to figure out what exactly your ideal customer needs to know about you in order to click the button “book a call with” or “contact”.↓ 

Vision & your offer

First and foremost, you have to give a vision of the future (transformation) and state clearly what you offer, fx “ Find your peace with a compassionate therapy”, “Grow your soulful business with strategic 1:1 coaching”, “Pursue your God-given dream with confidence and ease. Faith-based mentoring”.

What to write in the hero?

Identify their problems

After you want to make sure that your ideal customer knows they are in the right place. So the best way to do it is to show that you know their problems and challenges. You can start this section like “Is this you? ”, and when you describe all the issues your ideal client has right now.


You also can talk about their goals. You say I know you here “confused, lacking clarity, doubtful” but I will help you to get here where “you are confident, have clarity & peace of mind” etc. 


Your Offer & transformation 

Now it’s time to show your offer(s). Don’t forget to write the main transformation under the offering (how this offer will make your customer’s life better?)


Demonstrate your competence

Next, you want to position yourself as an expert who knows how to help your ideal client. In this part, you demonstrate your competence and show them that they can trust you. But be careful not to brag too much about yourself. Always focus on your ideal customer. You can provide here testimonials and other social proof (stats, number of clients you worked with, rating, etc)


The 3 Step Process Plan

To reduce confusion and the unknown, give your ideal client a process plan. You have to say how it’s easy to work with you. You can create 3 or 4 steps the customer can take to do business with you, fx “ Book a call”. Each step has to be accompanied by the main benefit, fx” we will get clear on your goals & make a plan to achieve them”.


Convince with the details 

After the process, you have another section where you go into detail and explain what success looks like once they start working with you. In this part, you can also think about what objections your customer might have, and what could be reasons why they wouldn’t want to work with you. Then think about a statement that would overcome these objections. For example, objection: “I have no guarantee that it will help me.” Then you can write: “We know that you will see results if you will implement our strategies. For this reason we offer a Money-Back Guarantee”.

After you have all these sections, you can write the rest, but better keep it simple. Your customer scans your page, so always be intentional and strategic with your content. Always ask yourself "if this info will help my customer to make a decision or not". 

Hope this was helpful, I will keep writing more on this topic, so you have more clarity on how to write content for your website that works and converts your clients to customers. 


Don’t want to do this all alone and want someone to assist you with building a beautiful & strategic website? Book a free call to discuss your goals and how we can work together, so you could grow your business with confidence!


Hi, I am Simona!

Welcome to my blog! Here I am sharing all things about design, branding, and business. My mission is to help you to transform your business with intentional brand design.

Spread your wings and fly with your unique brand that you’ve always dreamed of.

With love,


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