This how you can make your PDF fillable

how to make pdf fillable and clickable, blog post by sommerful studio

Have you just created a beautiful PDF on Canva and now wish to make it fillable? I know, I did.

I crafted a Brand Strategy Workbook, which clients receive upon purchasing one of website templates from Sommerful Studio. I aimed to create an easy and enjoyable website launch experience. So, I needed this PDF to be interactive and fillable.

I've found the perfect solution, and the best part isβ€”it's free! Check out DocHub.

With DocHub, you can turn checkboxes and paragraphs into fillable fields super easily. Plus, it's handy for creating contracts too (though I haven't tried it for that purpose yet, perhaps in the future I will).

Interested in seeing how I make my PDFs fillable with DocHub? Take a look at my YouTube short here!


Hi, I'm Simona. It's lovely to see you here!

Here on the blog, I dive into all things Squarespace, branding, and navigating the online business world.

My mission is to help you show up confidently online πŸ’œ

Feeling the pressure to launch your website ASAP? Don't worry, I've got you covered! Check out my collection of Squarespace templates tailor-made for coaches & creatives:


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