Remove Header and Footer for Sales Page and Instagram Link Page in Squarespace

Previously, removing the header and footer for specific pages on Squarespace required coding. Now, it’s much simpler. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Go to the page settings.

  2. Click on "Navigation."

  3. Toggle the header and footer on or off for that specific page.

This method works perfectly for sales pages and Instagram link pages, making it easier for you to customize your website exactly how you want it.

Check out these YouTube tutorials for a visual guide:

Watch the YouTube video tutorial on removing header & footer for Instagram Link Page in Squarespace:

Watch the YouTube video tutorial on removing header & footer for Sales Page in Squarespace:

How awesome is that? I love Squarespace because it continually makes things better and easier for small businesses to maintain their websites.


Hi, I'm Simona. It's lovely to see you here!

Here on the blog, I dive into all things Squarespace, branding, and navigating the online business world.

My mission is to help you show up confidently online πŸ’œ

Feeling the pressure to launch your website ASAP? Don't worry, I've got you covered! Check out my collection of Squarespace templates tailor-made for coaches & creatives:


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